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April is Autism Awareness Month

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Posted: Apr 20, 2016| Categories: Uncategorized

April is Autism Awareness Month

In the 1970s, the Autism Society of America proclaimed April asNational Autism Awareness Month to raise awareness of the disorder.Today, one in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys, are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control.  AutismAwareness Month is designed to raise funds for research and to show support for the autism community.  Autism Awareness Month also promotes the rights of individuals with autism and encourages respect for their differences.

About Autism Spectrum Disorder

What is Autism?

TheCDC defines ASD as a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. Childrenwith autism may have a serious lifelong disability. However, with appropriate treatment and training, some children with autism can develop independence intheir lives. Parents support their children with autism in developing skills that use their strengths so they will feel good about themselves.

NCSS serves children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Given the sharp increase in ASD and increased needs in the community, Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc.(NCSS) provides wrap around services to accommodate the entire spectrum.

Array of Autism Programming

The Children Youth & Family (CYF)Services and Developmental Services (DS) Divisions collaborate to provide supports for children and families from birth to 22 years old through an array of programs. After age 22 years, the adult with autism will transition to other strengths based programs within the DS Division, where the unique needs of each individual are met.

The Developmental Services staff assists individuals to exercise their citizenship in a number of ways, and NCSS has several programs for adults with autism as they transition from school-aged to adulthood, including Adult Services, Camp Rainbow, Employment Services, Program for Adaptive & Expressive Arts (PAEA) and Shared Living Services to name a few.

NCSS recognized for providing quality services

NCSSis committed to providing quality services to all individuals, both children and adults, and six years ago received a perfect score from the Commission onAccreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) for our autism program, which means that there were no recommendations following this review.  NCSS was the first organization in Vermont to be accredited for an autism program.In fact, the NCSS autism program is also the 1st in Vermont and, at the time, 5th in North America to be accredited for an autism program that serves both children and adults.

NorthwesternCounseling & Support Services, Inc. is a private, non-profit, human services agency serving Franklin and Grand Isle Counties.  NCSS provides intervention and support to children, adolescents, and adults with emotional and behavioral problems, mental illness and developmental disabilities.

Visit our website for more information about our autism services plus, complete NCSS programming and services.

For information about the third annual AutismWalk of Northwestern Vermont, being held on May 15, 2016 at the Collins Perley Sports & Fitness Center in St. Albans, including pledge forms, visit our website, call Joe Halko at 524-6555 ext. 6414 or email:


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